During the last fifty years, the household trash has doubled in volume in Paris. This evolution is explained by new products on the market and the evolution of our consumption habits. In 2014, the city embarked on a "zero waste" strategy aimed at ending the burying and incineration of waste that could be reused.
In Paris, organic waste still accounts for 22% of household waste in the green-lined bin. The objective is to reduce the quantities of food waste thrown away, first by reducing food waste, then by recycling this food waste.
There are three types of compost bins suitable for different types of homes but also for schools:
Collective compost bins on the ground floor of buildings:
Installed in gardens or condominium courtyards, households and public and municipal establishments can use them. To install a collective compost bin, you must make a request to the Department of Cleanliness and Water (DPE) and meet the various conditions. A diagnosis is then carried out by a master-composter, who also trains the site's referent. The site is monitored for approximately 8 months by the master-composter and an annual visit is carried out by the service provider of the Paris City Hall.
Neighborhood compost bins:
Located on public sites, such as shared gardens, local associations can use them. After making a request to the DPE, the project must be validated with the borough hall and the site manager. A diagnosis is also carried out.
Individual compost bins (vermicomposters):
Ideal for apartments, households use it. Registration with the borough hall is required to collect a vermicomposter (a kit) and a training by a master composter is offered. You must then make a request for a "worm voucher" and follow the advice guide to start the vermicompost bin. An evaluation survey, after 6 months, is to be completed and sent to the DPE.
The City of Paris has set up free support systems, as well as a guide for citizens.
Project leaders
The support is mainly provided by the Department of Cleanliness and Water (DPE), in charge of collective composting projects. In addition to the DPE, associations can manage neighborhood composters. The various associations that are already participating are: Compostaparis, Compos'13 Jaime le vert, Folie d'hhumus, Friends of the Jardin de la Félicité, Les Jardiniers du 4e, Graine de Partage Jardin Bel-Air and Le Lapin Ouvrier. There are also various neighborhood councils (Saint-Gervais and Mouton-Duvernet districts). Support is also provided by a master-composter and the provision of the necessary equipment.
The little plus
In 2012, the city completed the composting system by offering collective vermicomposting, allowing those who do not have green spaces/gardens to participate in the operation. In 2016, 256 condominiums, 186 schools and 35 administrative sites committed to composting their waste.
Written by Judith Auburtin, student at Supecolidaire - April 2020
Last modification : 25 Jul 2020.
Ville de Paris
The City of Paris has set up free support systems to encourage composting, as well as a guide for citizens.