The association DIDEE (Development Initiatives Democracy Exchanges Engagement) develops social and cultural centers at the service of the inhabitants in Lormont. Their mission is to promote and support initiatives and projects that the inhabitants wish to set up collectively near their home (shared garden, solidarity babysitting, clothing exchanges, etc.). They also offer social and cultural activities, entertainment but also services that meet the needs and expectations of residents. It can be sewing workshops, French lessons, school support ...
The association DIDEE thus promotes the development of actions to animate local life, with and by the inhabitants, more particularly in the districts of Carriet, Génicart and surroundings.
DIDEE's REESSTo, or Ephemeral Economic Social and Solidarity Restaurant for All, is a restaurant that aims to be a place accessible to all thanks to very reasonable prices.
The main objective of this restaurant is to become a sociable meeting place, rich with the social, cultural, economic, generational and associative diversity of the Génicart district.
Employees, volunteers and trainees from the Formation Insertion ( Training for Insertion) site will run the restaurant with 40 settings, 4 lunchtimes a week, from March to October. The restaurant will share its space with the workshops offered throughout the weeks (watercolor painting, sewing, cooking, DIY, etc.).
Production and supply will be managed by the INFA training program around short circuit partners and local producers.
The DIDEE association coordinates the life of the associative restaurant and articulates short food circuits, the Training for Insertion production unit and will also ensure that a food need is met.

The Little Extra

The REESSTo restaurant has a solidarity system whereby and has set up the system of suspended meals and coffees. A suspended meal is one that people pay for in advance to offer to those who request it later. You can also book your meal online.
Written by Clémence Guignard, LFC volunteer - April 2019.
Last modification : 07 Apr 2020.
Association DIDEE
The D.I.D.E.E. association develops social and cultural centers serving residents in Lormont: meetings, initiatives, actions!