France Grenoble
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The agricultural and food strategy 2015-2020 of the Grenoble Metropolis


Grenoble Alpes Métropole

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"Agriculture now occupies almost 15% of space and holds a preponderant place in the balance of the territory in the face of societal expectations and demands which are increasingly high on the quality and reliability of food, the fight against global warming and air quality problems, the necessary saving of natural resources for better food and energy autonomy. In addition, the transition to metropolitan France on January 1, 2015 led to the acquisition of new skills such as the management of slaughterhouses and the Market of National Interest (MIN). To meet these many challenges, the definition of a new agricultural policy is necessary. " Grenoble Alpes Métropole

The objectives of the agricultural and food strategy of Grenoble Alpes Métropole

Developed with all of the city's 49 municipalities, the territory's agricultural and food strategy is part of a territorial development approach. Established for the period 2015-2020, it was drafted after consultation with partners and economic actors present in Grenoble-Alpes-Métropole. It is an ambitious policy with 5 objectives:

  • Preserve and enhance the agricultural potential for quality production;
  • Sanctuarize the protection of agricultural areas in the various urban planning documents;
  • Promote the maintenance and renewal of farmers;
  • Strengthen agricultural activity while respecting the environment;
  • Deploy an agricultural food strategy and develop local sectors (Conseil métropolitain, 2015).

Actions carried out within the framework of the agricultural and food strategy

The metropolis fulfills its commitments by carrying out various actions, including:

#1 - Mobilizing agricultural land on metropolitan land to accommodate organic project leaders

The tripartite agreement with SAFER and the Etablissement Public Foncier Local (EPFL) plays a key role in the implementation of the 2015-2020 agricultural strategy. Signed in November 2013, it aims to protect land and ensure the maintenance and renewal of farms in the territory. It consists in giving the Metropolis the means to react quickly to the changes that can affect agricultural land. If necessary, the SAFER right of first refusal is used. The agreement also allows a long-term intervention thanks to the EPFL which can ensure the porting of the acquired property for the time necessary to set up a project to set up an agricultural activity. Here are some examples of concrete results of this convention :

  • the installation of a couple on the Maquis du Mûrier Farm;
  • the purchase of land on Vaulvaney-le-Bas, and the installation project in connection with La Ressource.

This land protection policy intervenes when a risk of disappearance of agricultural land is suspected of the Metro in order to secure agricultural land.

#2 - Limiting the environmental impact of school canteens (waste management, vegetarian menus, support in local supplies)

A call for projects was launched for the municipalities of the Metro concerning the drafting support of public contracts to allow the introduction of local and organic products in collective catering. However, this project was abandoned.

#3 - Developing urban agriculture and shared and family gardens,

A call for projects has been created for the creation / development of shared gardens and apiaries. It was proposed to allocate an envelope of € 20,000 for 2017 for around ten projects.

#4 - Mobilizing citizens around food and promote the diversity of emblematic products of the territory by organizing various convivial awareness events,

#5 - Supporting the development of initiatives favoring local supply (producers 'stores, producers' market square of national interest)

Support for the creation of a Producers' Store is provided, in particular with the project on the ZAC de Bonne. Communication work is carried out around local production through the creation of a map of producers and markets.

Another call for projects was dedicated to new aid systems for the development of short circuits and more specifically:

  • The development of collective points of sale in the urban area;
  • Collective projects for processing or marketing agricultural products;
  • Projects aimed at keeping the hillsides of the urban area open.

The Inter Territorial Food Project (PAIT)

Since 2015, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole has actively participated in the Inter-Territorial Agriculture and Food Strategy implemented by the following communities: Grenoble-Alpes Métropole, the Pays Voironnais conurbation community, Le Grésivaudan community of municipalities, Chartreuse PNR and Vercors, which the city of Grenoble and the Community of Communes of Trièves joined in 2019.

This work was carried out with all the players concerned: communities, farmers, development councils, training centers, consumers, economic players, etc. in application of the common orientation document approved on July 1, 2016, by the metropolitan council and structured around the following two axes:

  • Promote the preservation and transmission of agricultural land and employment in agriculture
  • Increase the share of local and quality products on the plates.

They will be materialized by different actions according to the territories such as:

  • Creating agricultural compensation - Agricultural and Agrifood Investment Fund (Pays Voironnais); Any project leader in the member region can apply for funding for collective projects and generate added value: - structuring and collective organization of supply, - transformation and marketing of products, - creation of innovative local sectors (food, biomass, etc.), - promotion of products from the regions;
  • Structuring major facilities in the regional food chain (La Métro);
  • Promoting gastronomic identity (CDDRA Alpes Sud Isère);
  • Establishing a local products store (PNR de Chartreuse);
  • Pooling and support of local authorities regarding collective catering (PNR du Vercors)
  • Improving the accessibility of products (CC du Pays du Grésivaudan).

The Little Extra : The Agrifood Pole

Faced with the structural crisis that the agricultural sectors, particularly livestock, are going through, and with the aim of enabling farmers to regain added value, an approach to create an Isère agro-food center has been launched in partnership with the Department of Isère. All of the socio-professional partners in agriculture, the food industry and distribution have been associated with this approach. Initiated by the Departmental Council, the Grenobloise Metropolis, the intermunicipal authorities and the Consular Chambers, the mission of the agrifood pole is to contribute to develop networks to coordinate agricultural activities, to manage and support projects, to promote products from local agriculture and resource management (RNPAT, 2018).

Last modification : 04 Sep 2020.

Grenoble Alpes Métropole

Le Forum 3 Rue Malakoff Grenoble France

Grenoble-Alpes Métropole has always been one of the pioneers in the protection and development of peri-urban agriculture in France. Today it is developing an Interterritorial Food Project with the surrounding territories.


Lilian Vargas