Since 2014, municipalities in Turkey have been in charge of agricultural development. Izmir was the first municipality in the country to establish an agriculture department. It is also a pioneer among Turkish cities, having established the Department for the Development of Agriculture and Parks and Gardens in 2007.
Izmir Metropolitan Municipality is involved in several areas of the food value chain :
- One of the priorities of its action programme is drought and the improvement of irrigation techniques. Drought problems in Turkey are becoming increasingly serious. Between October and January 2022, rainfall fell by 31% compared to the same period last year. The municipality is therefore helping farmers to improve their irrigation techniques to make them more efficient and water-saving. It is also encouraging the development of crop varieties adapted to drought conditions (especially old varieties).
- The community is also involved in food production planning, a very important step in strengthening the area's food resilience. To this end, the municipality provides producers with financial support, targeted techniques and market opportunities provided by the municipality. The aim of this food production planning is to produce only what will be consumed in the future.
- Izmir is also encouraging the development of short distribution channels and would like to develop a people's market to sell local produce. Municipal farmers' markets are also regulated by the municipality in terms of controlling the size and hygiene of the market. There are 25 district markets in Izmir.
- The municipality is also helping to promote the local culinary heritage by organising themed tours around olive trees. It is also providing financial incentives for farmers around Izmir to develop extensive, low-input agriculture. It would also like to distribute compost to farmers, an initiative that is still in the planning stages.
- Finally, the municipality's role is also to counter the effects of the economic crisis affecting the country (inflation in food prices for consumers, rising production costs for farmers) by promoting local agriculture, local products and agricultural practices that have less impact on the environment (improving irrigation techniques, encouraging the adoption of sustainable production methods with extensive farming, etc.).

For whom?
The Izmir Municipality Agricultural Development Service is aimed at farmers and cooperatives in and around Izmir (Izmir Province).
More than 340 million pounds have been purchased from producer cooperatives. Seeds and breeds of domestic animals have been promoted and buffalo farming has been relaunched.
Nearly 5,500 farmers working within cooperatives have benefited from material and financial support from the municipality (shared fleet of agricultural machinery set up in the districts).
The municipality of Izmir also finances agricultural cooperatives to help them develop in the area. The initiative is working well because farmers are more open to collective and cooperative work.
Little extra(s)
The third local farmers' market was established in Buca. The People's Bakkalı project was launched with the aim of bringing products from cooperatives to the people. It has been so successful that 8 branches have been established within a year.
The People's Grocery offers around 27 types of products produced by 300 cooperatives in different cities, co-opted by local residents.
The People's Bakkalı has brought together citizens who need support and those who want to help by enabling the sale of essential packages during the pandemic and earthquake.
As part of the preparations for the Terra Madre Anatolia event to be held in Izmir in 2022, studies have begun to raise awareness of domestic production.
The local authority has also decided to set up a project to help disadvantaged families in the city's priority neighbourhoods, targeting young children: "Süt Kuzusu" (which translates as Milk for Children). The aim of the project is both to support milk producers and to improve children's health. Milk was regularly distributed to 220,000 children in 250 schools between 2008 and 2012 under the Okul Sütü project. Following its implementation by the Ministry of Education, the municipality of Izmir renamed the project 'Süt Kuzusu' for children aged 1 to 5. Since 2012, 2 litres of quality milk have been distributed every week to children aged 1 to 5 directly in their homes, reaching 122,000 households.
This fact sheet was written by Nadja Camille, LF project manager in March 2023.
Last modification : 29 Dec 2023.
Izmir Municipality
Izmir Metropolitan Municipality was the first in the country to establish an agriculture department. It is also a pioneer among Turkish cities, having established the Department for the Development of Agriculture and Parks and Gardens in 2007.