The development of the Nantes Métropole PAT ("Plan Alimentaire Territorial", stands for "Territorial Food Project") is part of a proactive dynamic in terms of agriculture and territory in transition: Energy Transition roadmap, commitment in 2015 to the Milan Pact "For an Urban Food Policy", winner of the 2015 National Food Program, signature in 2017 of the State - Metropolis pact in favor of innovative project, innovative equipment for the territory (National Interest Market (MIN in French), Technocampus).

The first two regional food diagnoses carried out in 2016 and 2017 by a variety of actors (elected officials, associations, economic players in the territory) enabled the definition of the strategic orientations of the PAT "for local, sustainable and accessible food for all". Times of discussion continue the development of the PAT:
- an Issues Forum took place on June 2, 2017 during the first Nantes Food Forum, collectively identifying (100 stakeholders) 48 metropolitan issues related to food.
- A Sharing Time organized on March 28, 2018 (80 stakeholders), with the aim of improving the inclusiveness of design efforts, making the link between the previously identified challenges and the actions associated with them, and bringing out new suggestions.
From these two stages, the PAT guidelines appear, subsequently validated on April 13, 2018 by the Metropolitan Council: producing quality, bringing producers and consumers together, improving health and well-being, inventing an ethical and responsible food system. These two stages also constitute the foundations of the food roadmap, published in October 2018 and setting the actions to be carried out by 2030.
This project is a transversal project to all the public policies of the Metropolis and the municipalities: from urban planning to social (collective catering, precariousness ...); it promotes actions that have been carried out for a long time, such as supporting the maintenance of local agriculture.
Project leaders
The Metropolitan Council carries this project. Dominique Barreau, agriculture Project Manager at the Nantes metropolis, is the referent. In addition to the partnership with the Chamber of Agriculture, the Metropolis works in close collaboration with other partners: SAFER, the Loire-Atlantique Departmental Council, within the framework of the implementation of Perimeters for the Protection of Agricultural and Natural Areas (PAEAN).
The little extra
The PAT is recognized by the State as a strategic innovation project for the Nantes metropolitan area, and is part of the metropolitan innovation pact. In the long term, Nantes Métropole wishes to obtain official recognition of its PAT by the Ministry of Agriculture (10 projects having today obtained this recognition in France, and 11 being in the process of obtaining), and integrate the RnPAT (national network PAT).
Find the project in details (in French):
Written by Eva Morel, LFC volunteer - December 2018.
Last modification : 31 Aug 2020.
Nantes Métropole
Like many agglomerations, Nantes Métropole is a food consumption area with its 600,000 inhabitants. The metropolitan territory is included in a production area which benefits from a great diversity between products of the land and the sea, animal and plant products.