France Lyon
Supply & Distribution




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Following their studies as agricultural engineers and their professional experiences in the agricultural world, Frédérique and Adrien, co-founder of Loocaly, observed a lack of relationship between the actors of the food chain at the scale of a territory. France imports more and more foodstuffs (20% of its food) while we are the "breadbasket of Europe".

They also mention the lack of an intermediary to facilitate the connection between supply and demand for local products. To move towards food autonomy for our French territories, Loocaly offers to facilitate the organization and structuring of local food chains towards a more resilient and sustainable system.



It was in April 2020 that the digital platform Loocaly was created. This platform can be defined as being a local consumption network dedicated to all the players in the food chain committed to local food.

Through Loocaly, the co-founders offer many services in order to link supply and demand for local products at the scale of a territory:

  • Provision of a customizable page to present your company and its products,
  • Geographical census of your company on an interactive map
  • Alert service to quickly and massively send information to all the players registered around you (problem of overproduction, new product, etc.),
  • Call for tenders service for B2B commerce (clickable link: a food professional submits a request with his own characteristics (distance , label, type of products, etc.).

Two other services are being developed: a reservation and agricultural unsold service.

The objective of this platform is for all the players to get to know each other, exchange views and communicate in order to facilitate the organization and structuring of local and solidarity-based food chains.


Loocaly's partnership relations:

The company also meets many local players directly in the field.


To set up the company, Frédérique and Adrien called on a web developer, in particular to create the digital platform. They also opted for a crowdfunding campaign on Miimosa.

Some datas about the company:

Today we have 66 producers, 29 food professionals and 218 consumers.

Le petit plus

Both agricultural engineers, graduates of ISARA-Lyon and passionate about the richness and the typicality of local products, Frédérique and Adrien have a global knowledge of the agricultural world. In addition, the company wants to help farmers restore their image and especially fight against agribashing!

Last modification : 21 Apr 2021.


73 Rue Jan Bonnard Vaugneray

Loocaly is a local consumption network dedicated to all the players in the food chain committed to local food.


Frédérique Damon
Co-fondatrice de Loocaly 06 03 90 98 01